Three month forecast Read – (Challenges and Fears)




Your reading includes a video link through YouTube that is unlisted and sent to you of the following:

We will do (3) reads for (3) months of the following. All will be included in one video.


  • Connective energy
  • Past connective energy
  • Past connective energy
  • Connective blockage
  • Message clarification
  • Your person’s energy
  • Your person’s intention
  • What is blocking that intention
  • Your energy
  • Your intention
  • What’s blocking your intention?
  • Near future energy
  • What needs to happen for you two to come together?
  • Outside blockages
  • Your person’s fears of this connection
  • *(3) Challenges and advice on how to heal them*

What I need from you:

  • Your name and Zodiac sign, and if including another person, their name and sign also
  • Any questions or information you would like me to dive in deeper (Three question limit)

Please click  Tarot to submit the above information instantly.


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